Is Trump Cancer? White House lobbies swayed by information that Trump is ill
US President Donald Trump allegedly has lanf cancer and is undergoing treatment, according to leaked information from the White House.
The information that US President Donald Trump, who has recently racked up hatred of black citizens, is receiving treatment and is hiding it from the public has appeared on several websites.
Although White House sources say this is false news, experts are reluctant to talk about the issue.
Who Donald Trump is
Donald John Trump (June 14, 1946) was an American business person, politician, and the 45th president of the United States. and the current president. He entered the 2016 United States presidential election held on November 8, 2016 as the Republican Party’s nominee, despite falling nearly 3 million votes behind Hillary Clinton, and was elected president according to the method of America’s delegation of selectors. The fact that he is 70 years old when he is elected makes him the oldest elected U.S. President.
Donald Trump was forced to drop out of high school in the 1960s for various reasons. He then studied at the military academy and the Wharton Institute, located in Pennsylvania. After his college years, he took a job at his father, Fred Trump’s real estate and construction firm. In 1971, he acquired a concession in his father’s companies and took control. He renamed the company the “Trump Organization” and moved its headquarters to the Manhattan area. He soon announced his name with the hotels he had built. He lost his father in 1999. He participated in the 2000 election as the presidential candidate of the Reform Party but withdrew from the nomination shortly thereafter. He left this party in 2001. In 2004, he made his way into show business by producing the program “The Apprentice” on the NBC channel. Because of some of his rhetoric, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize but did not win. He was criticised for his Islamophobic rhetoric and election promises during the 2016 election process. He was listed on Forbes ‘ list of the 400 richest people in the world in 2016. He became the oldest president in U.S. history when he won the election in 2016.
One of five children of Mary Anne MacLeod and Fred Trump, Donald Trump was born in New York City on June 14, 1946. In 1981, his brother Frederick Trump Jr. he died of alcohol abuse.
Donald Trump had a moving childhood. He probably punched a music teacher at school when he was a teenager. He then studied at the military high school. He did not want to become an officer when he graduated in 1964. His only dream in those years was to be a filmmaker in Hollywood. His father took him to a bridge opening in New York. He completed his college education for two years at Fordham and two years at the University of Pennsylvania. During these periods, his father, Fred Trump, had grown his businesses and had a fortune of as much as $ 200 million. Trump also did not participate in the Vietnam War on the grounds that he had a heel spur on his foot.
After higher education, in 1971 his father’s Elizabeth Trump & Son Co. he handled the apartment rental company called. The company changed its name to the Trump Organization.[6] changed the name, nature and headquarters of the company. The oil crisis at the time affected the U.S. economy, and therefore the Trump’s. Donald Trump was subsequently thrown into the business with the $ 350k he received from his father.
He worked under different names on different projects. When he wanted to buy and renovate the dilapidated Commodore Hotel in Manhattan, those around him, including his father, turned against him. But he made that wish happen. He partnered with Jay Pritzker, owner of Hyatt Hotels (1975).
Both this partnership and his 40-year deal with the municipality to avoid taxes were noted as his first successes. With its 1400-room Grand Hyatt Hotel, it made a profit of $ 30 million a year. In 1978, he bought a building on one of Manhattan’s busiest streets with a $ 25 million bank loan and built a 68-story skyscraper. The apartments he built were sold in 1983 with a great deal of interest.
At first named Tiffany Tower because of the Tiffany jewelry store, this building was later renamed Trump Tower (Trump Tower). The influence of the ice rink in Central Park in gaining more fame in the media was great. Construction, which the municipality failed to finish for seven years and spent $ 20 million in total, was completed with Trump at three million dollars in three months.
In the following period, he carried out a five-billion-dollar project with Trump Place. He has made investments not only in New York City, where he was born, but in Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas and many parts of the world, including Trump Tower, Trump Plaza, Trump International. In 2004, he stepped into show business with his program on NBC. In the program that uses the “you’re fired!”his words drew a lot of attention. Trump was recognized by 98% of Americans over the age of 12, according to Gallup’s polls.
As well as his real estate business, Donald Trump founded a foundation bearing his name in 1998. He was investigated for allegedly raising money through this foundation for the presidential election in 2016. She was interested in beauty pageants such as Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen us and bought a share of them. He opened a university that bears his name and provides paid tuition on the estate. This university operated from 2005-2010.
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Narin’in köyü Tavşantepe imamı hakkında flaş gelişme
Diyarbakır’da kaybolduktan sonra cansız bedeni bulunan 8 yaşındaki Narin Güran’ın öldürülmesine ilişkin Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığınca yürütülen soruşturmada köyün imamı R.K. gözaltına alınmış, telefonundan müstehcen görüntüler çıktığı öne sürülmüştü. Diyanet, İmam R.K.’yı açığa aldı.
Narin Güran cinayetinde gözaltına alınan isimler arasında olan Diyarbakır’ın Merkez Bağlar ilçesinin Tavşantepe Mahallesi camisi imamı R.K. da vardı. İmam R.K. jandarmadaki ifadesinin ardından serbest bırakılmıştı.
Tavşantepe Mahallesi camisi imamı R. K. ile ilgili sosyal medyada ve basında yer alan iddialara ilişkin Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığınca idarî soruşturma açıldı. İmam R.K’nin incelenmek üzere el koyulan telefonundan kendisinin de dahil olduğu çok sayıda cinsel içerikli video ve yazışmanın çıktığı öne sürüldü.
Narin’in katledildiği Tavşantepe köyü imamının sorgusunda yöneltilen “Telefonunuzda pek çok porno video var, videolardan birinde sizin de olduğunuz bir grup seks videosu var” sorusuna “Evli bir çiftle tanıştık, daha sonra Diyarbakır’a geldiler, birlikte olduk” yanıtını verdiği iddia edilmişti.
tv100 canlı yayınında Devrim Tosunoğlu, Diyanet’in İmam R.K.’yı açığa aldığı bilgisini verdi. tv100 muhabiri Canan Altıntaş da Tosunoğlu’nu teyit etti.
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Devlet hastanesinde dehşet: Sapık doktor hastasını dakikalarca taciz etti
Şanlıurfa’nın Suruç ilçesinde yer alan Suruç Devlet Hastanesi’nde görevli Dahiliye doktoru H.F.V, muayene için gelen 25 yaşındaki kadın hasta L.İ’yi taciz etti. Bunun üzerine kadın, hastaneye kontrol için ikinci kez gittiğinde ise o anları gizli kamerayla kaydetti. Kan donduran anlar ardından genç kadın, elindeki görüntülerle birlikte polise giderek şikayetçi olurken doktor hakkında da soruşturma başlatıldı.
Suruç Kaymakamlığı’ndan yapılan açıklamada, “Suruç Devlet Hastanesinde görevli Uzman Tabip H.F.V. hakkında Hastane Hasta Hakları Birimi ve Suruç Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığına cinsel taciz iddiaları ile ilgili yapılan şikayet neticesinde Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı tarafından belirtilen personel hakkında adli işlem başlatılarak gözaltı kararı verilmiş, ayrıca Kaymakamlığımız tarafından görevden uzaklaştırılmış ve Valiliğimizden idari soruşturma başlatılması talep edilmiştir” denildi.
Gözaltına alınan doktor H.F.V tutuklanarak cezaevine gönderildi.
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B sınıfı ehliyet sahiplerine kötü haber
Milyonlarca araç sürücüsünü ilgilendiren yeni düzenlemelerin detayları belli oldu. Özellikle yaşlı sürücülerin trafikte oluşturduğu riskleri azaltmayı hedefleyen yeni kararlar, yol güvenliğini artırmak amacıyla hayata geçiriliyor. Ehliyet düzenlemelerinde yapılacak bu önemli değişiklikler, özellikle B sınıfı ehliyet sahiplerini etkileyecek.
Yeni düzenlemeler kapsamında, belirli bir yaşın üzerindeki sürücülerin araç kullanmalarını sınırlandırmak için sağlık kontrolleri ve sürüş yeterlilik testleri getiriliyor. Refleks, görme ve işitme yeteneklerinin yanı sıra genel sağlık durumunu değerlendiren bu testlerin, yaş sınırının 65 ile 70 yaş arasında olacağı tahmin ediliyor. Ancak, henüz net bir açıklama yapılmış değil.
Ticari taşımacılık yapan sürücüler için de yeni bir düzenleme söz konusu. Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı, ticari kara yolu taşımacılığı yapan sürücüler için yaş sınırını 2024 yılı sonuna kadar uzattı. Daha önce belirlenen 66 yaş sınırı, geçici olarak 69’a çıkarılmıştı ve bu geçici düzenleme 2024 sonuna kadar geçerli olacak.
Alınan bu yeni kararlarla birlikte, trafik kazalarının azaltılması ve genel yol güvenliğinin artırılması amaçlanıyor. Ancak yaşlı sürücüler için getirilen bu düzenlemeler endişe yaratabilir. Uzmanlar, yaş sınırının aşamalı olarak uygulanması ve etkilenen sürücülere alternatif ulaşım çözümleri sunulmasını öneriyor.
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